Safety Screen


Catalogue No: 2110085

To avoid any chance of burning from chemical reaction and any other experiment which can cause injury at time of observing the results of that experiment.
Safety screen made of a transparent thick acrylic sheet divided into three parts (300 x 600) mm approx. each can be used.
Outer sides can flap across their vertical axis as per the requirement of the experimental set up.
Folding assembly give an advantage to store it easily.
Overall dimensions 900 x 600mm approx.

* Safety Screen
Pack of (Pcs) : 1

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To avoid any chance of burning from chemical reaction and any other experiment which can cause injury at time of observing the results of that experiment.
Safety screen made of a transparent thick acrylic sheet divided into three parts (300 x 600) mm approx. each can be used.
Outer sides can flap across their vertical axis as per the requirement of the experimental set up.
Folding assembly give an advantage to store it easily.
Overall dimensions 900 x 600mm approx.

* Safety Screen
Pack of (Pcs) : 1

SKU: 2110085 Category:
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